
Friday, April 13, 2012


That was big when I was in high school. How old were you when that was the in thing to do to show excitement?  I was the one who always looked stupid and uncoordinated doing it, and then tried to pretend that I was doing it badly on purpose.  Did you know you could raise the roof badly?  Now you do.  I also managed to ruin the Macarena.  These scars from my youth still haunt me.

Last Spring, the storms that ravaged most of the country hit our neighborhood, too.  I actually don't know of any homes in our 'hood that didn't need their roofs replaced, and we were no exception, except that we didn't get on the schedule until too late and had to wait for this Spring to have it done.

 July 2010

We plan on painting the shutters black this summer, so a darker roof seemed in order.

July 2010 - look at my teensy Jack with the feeding tube!

On Wednesday, the workers showed up at 7:30 and the roof caved in.  Okay, it didn't really, but it sounded like it was about to as they stomped around and started to demo the old roof.  We left right after breakfast to preserve our sanity, and didn't go back home until 6:00.  You can't know how amazing it was to come home to a completely finished roof, in ONE DAY!  It was like they had never been here except for the totally different, wildly changed color on our roof.


What?  You don't see it?  Well, it is darker, I promise!  And though it doesn't look much different, it is very nice to know we have a snug new roof over our heads.  Just in time for this year's Spring storms....

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