
Friday, August 26, 2011

Birth to 3

When we went to Jack's 18 month appointment, the doctor thought that we should have him evaluated to see why he isn't walking yet.  I haven't been unconcerned about his not walking {even though he's now twenty months and still not walking}.  With his medical history, we not only knew that he would be somewhat delayed in some of these milestones, but he has been seen by neurologists, geneticists, and other -ologists that I can't remember, who cleared him of any developmental problem causing or caused by his medical issues last year.

See, I'm okay, Mom.

Also, he's very brainy.  My little stinker figures things out.  He can do puzzles {with a bit of help}, plays with legos, and can figure out all of those shape matching toys out there.  He's not lacking in the mental department.  If he wants to do {or get to} something, he will figure out a way.  He's unstoppable.

I'm unstoppable?  Why didn't you tell me?

However, I agreed to meet with the evaluator because, frankly, I thought I would look like a bad mom if I didn't.  So she came over yesterday and observed Jack while we talked.  I fully expected her to say that Jack was a beautiful boy who was doing wonderfully, and not to worry about his walking.  He was clearly capable and just wasn't interested yet.

I'm not interested in anything, really.  Just let me get my beauty sleep.

She didn't say that.  She noticed that when he stands, he rocks back on his heels and turns his ankles in.  She thought it could be as simple has having him wear shoes with arch support, or as serious as needing special orthodics and physical therapy.

Don't worry, Mom.  I'll get by on my looks.

She also brought up concerns about his language.  Kids should say at least eight words by eighteen months, but at twenty months, he says about six.  I didn't think much of this until she started telling me that her concern stemmed from how he repeats words.  He repeats them with his mouth closed or almost closed.  If you say, "A dog says, 'woof, woof' ", he'll mimic the dog sound, but with his mouth closed.  I always thought it was a funny, cute quirk.  She thinks it could be a problem knowing how to form words.

Should I open my mouth like this?  'Cause I got it down when I'm putting food into it.

Obviously, these are not things to be torn up about.  He's healthy and happy, with minor, and most importantly, correctable concerns.  Still, I felt a little blind sided.  I totally missed both things!  When he would rock back on his heels and rear his head back, I thought it was cute and that it was his way of figuring out balance.  I have always loved how he "talks" with his mouth shut.  It's funny!  I had noticed both things, but didn't see the problem with them.

That's because I fooled you, Mom.

Suffice to say, we are glad we have entered this process so that these issues have come to light.  I'm sure he would have walked and talked eventually, but if we can help him learn to overcome the obstacles keeping him from achieving these milestones, great!  They might make learning other things in the future easier.

Easier?  EASIER!?  Why would I make things easier for either of us?  That's not my M.O., dudes.  It's a good thing you love me!

Update:  One hour after posting, Jack looked at a ball and said, "Ball!"  adding a word to his vocabulary.  We went to the gym, and he walked the entire way into the gym through the parking lot, holding my hand on one side and Ella's on the other.  HELLO!  Thank you, Lord!

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